Friendsaver - cause friendships need care!

Keeping strong friendships alive when you're busy can be tough, but Friendsaver is here to help you build meaningful connections.

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The essence of friendships

Friendships are a key part of life, bringing us support, joy, and a sense of belonging. But with our busy schedules, it can be tough to stay connected. Keeping up with what's going on in our friends' lives shows we care, and regularly interacting with them keeps our bonds strong. That's why staying informed and staying engaged are the two main essentials for maintaining great friendships.


Being informed is crucial for maintaining and strengthening friendships, as it shows we value and care for our friends. Remembering important details like birthdays and interests demonstrates attentiveness, building trust and deepening connections. Knowing about their experiences allows us to offer timely support and advice, solidifying bonds. Ultimately, staying informed fosters personalized and authentic interactions, essential for resilient friendships.

Knowledge-supporting features:

  1. fact sheet
  2. birthdays
  3. interaction history
  4. topic notes


Active participation in each other's lives is vital for nurturing and sustaining friendships. Regular interactions, whether through messages, calls, or in-person meetups, keep the connection alive and dynamic. Frequently engaging shows commitment and helps both parties feel connected and supported, which is essential for a thriving friendship.

Engagement-supporting features:

  1. notifications
  2. interaction suggestions
  3. statistics

Friendsaver features in details

Friends vs. contacts

Not all your contacts are friends - but all your friends are contacts! That's why Friendsaver bases on your contacts app.

All your contacts are loaded into Friendsaver to be supported as a friendship. You can easily filter contacts out in the friends list. All filtered entries are only visible in the filter view and will be ignored in all other features.

Fact sheet

These are all collection information about your friend in your contacts app. You can easily edit this information directly in the contact app or via the "edit" button.

Friendsaver tries to use your contacts app for as much data storage as possible. All additional information are stored securely on your device within the app and not shared with third parties. Be aware that all contact information are usually stored at your contacts provider.


A birthday is the most important information about a person because it marks the celebration of their existence, transcending culture and origin. It offers a universal opportunity to express appreciation and strengthen connections, making it a key moment for personal acknowledgment and communal bonding.

There are several features for birthdays. Firstly, you can sort all your friends by their birthday. In addition, on the today screen you find up to 5 upcoming birthdays as well as up to 5 past ones - so you never forget a friend on this special day! This is furthermore supported by notifications.

Interaction history

For each contact next to the fact sheet, you can log your interaction history with this person. This information is used to generate the interaction suggestions.

Each button on the top creates a new interaction log for 🫂 meeting, 📞 calling, 💬 texting or 📫 mailing. You can change the default title as well as the date by tabbing it.

By tabbing the icon, you are able to remove the log entry, if you made a mistake.

Topic notes

Friendsaver supports you to keep track not just your interactions but to make notes on those as well. Therefor, an additional button 📝 next to the interactions just adds a note to your timeline.

All interaction logs can be extended by a note as well.

Each note can be grouped by a unified title. To enter a title, you can tap on it as well.

In the topic view next to fact sheet and the timeline, all notes listed grouped by their title.


Friendsaver is your companion which reminds you on important topics.

Because birthdays are a vital part of a friendship and you should never miss one. You can customize notifications for birthdays to your liking.

Add as many notifications as you need for a day to remember your friend and to get in touch with them.

The same principle works for all notifications. Friendsaver is set up with some default values, which you can easily customize to your liking.

Interaction suggestions

From all your interaction logs, Friendsaver will calculate your usual interaction behavior to each friend. With this information, it can predict when you usually interaction with such person.

On the today screen you find a list of up to 5 friends you should reach out depending on this information.

In addition, if you have logged interactions to Friendsaver you can see the 5 days of interactions and the corresponding peers as well.


Do you know how many friends you have? Or how many birthdays you will miss because you lack the knowledge of those? The statistics at the end of the today screen will provide this information.

Try to complete your friends' collection by no having friends with missed information.

Friendsaver benefits from the start

The most you get out of Friendsaver is by manually logging interactions with your friends every day. A notification to remember the manual logging is enabled by default.

But this can take time. The following features are full accessible without manual logging:

  1. birthdays
  2. notifications
  3. statistics

We are not finished yet!

Friendsaver wants to become as automatic as possible to help you with all your friendships. Keeping our base value of data security in mind, we try to connect as many systems as possible to enable Friendsaver to become your single source of knowledge about your friends. This includes the extension of the basic contact details to add more information like allergies, hobbies and much more.

With a purchase of Friendsaver you will get more and more features for free.

Feedback and Support

You are a vital part of Friendsaver as well. Become our friend and provide feedback via All feedback is public available and will be used to develop Friendsaver in the proper direction.

In addition, you can follow our Instagram account @FriendsaverApp to support the app.